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Velvet Rewired – Sydney Opera House (NSW)

Presented by Sydney Opera House in association with Peter Rix.

Reviewed by Tessa Miles

Rating: 5 out of 5.

22nd December – 11th February The Studio, Sydney Opera House Tickets:

Images by Daniel Boud

If you are looking for a thoroughly enjoyable evening, then look no further than Velvet Rewired at the Sydney Opera House. Dubbed as a ‘love letter to disco’, this electrifying show will transport you to the 70’s and immerse you in nothing but impressive vocals, groovy dance moves, jaw-dropping aerial acts, death defying stunts and the grace and charisma of Australia’s disco Queen, Marcia Hines.

Guests were welcomed into The Studio at the Opera House by DJ Joe Accaria pumping disco music, several disco balls and blue and purple mood lighting to set the tone of the night. The set was minimalistic but worked exactly as intended by making you feel like you’re in an underground club of the era.

The moment the lights go out the audience were already cheering, the familiarity of Ain’t Nobody pumping through the speakers. Marcia Hines as the Diva and her sirens, Sasha Lee Saunders, Jacinta Gulisano and Country Mike played by Tom Sharah, are mesmerising on stage, never missing a beat while performing classic disco moves, all choreographed by Amy Campbell.

The audience were then wowed by the impressive aerial skills of Beau Sargent, who showcases his impressive flexibility and strength, somehow making twisting in the air on a trapeze hoop effortless. Next, the roller-skating acrobat duo, Sven and Jan took the stage with their death-defying act that had the audience’s jaws on the floor, all the while the sirens sing more shoulder-shimmying disco tunes.

A moment of comedy came in the form of what appeared to be a random audience member coming on to the stage and upstaging the aerialist, but with a swift onstage costume change, Hula Boy Craig Reid is revealed and shows off his comedy; entertaining facial expressions, flexibility and amazing hula hoop talents. Not to mention his sweat band which flourished onto his head after his costume change – very on brand for the theme.

The Diva returned to the stage with her sirens to deliver more impressive vocals, with toe-tapping and chair dancing coming from the audience before an on-stage costume change revealed The Diva’s next costume, giving the multiple mirror balls a run for their money.

Harley Timmermans, the second aerialist of the night, show cases flawlessly their skills ( some performed one handed) with audience members whooping and cheering throughout.

It is clear looking around that the audience were thoroughly enjoying themselves, with many clapping their hands above their heads, dancing in their chairs and bopping their heads.

Towards the end of the show, some audience members could no longer resist the urge and got up to dance to the infectious songs and vocals from the casts. Whether this is the result of the bonus free glass of champagne or the infectious music and vibes, it was a very enjoyable night being had by many.

Velvet Rewired is currently playing in Sydney before touring the rest of the country. Check out when Velvet Rewired is near you as this is a not to be missed night that will transport you to the peak of the disco era. Hines and the rest of the cast blow the top off this show with a thoroughly enjoyable night. Leave all your inhibitions, worries and end of year stresses behind and have a night of high quality, jaw dropping and shoulder-shimmying entertainment.




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